
Archive for January 2017

Lineup-ul SoundArt Festival se mareste cu inca sase trupe!

Dupa confirmarea grecilor de la Nightstalker, la inceputul saptamanii, organizatorii SoundArt Festival anunta numele a inca sase trupe care completeaza line-up-ul festivalului.
RoadkillSoda: cea mai relevanta trupa romaneasca de stoner/desert rock/rocknroll nu putea sa lipseasca din lineup-ul SoundArt Festival. Grupul se considera a fi reflectia anilor 70 a unui Dodge prafuit, a tricoului uzat, a tatuajelor, a bauturii sorbite sub arsita soarelui, a spiritului nomad si contemplativ. La sfarsitul anului 2016, RoadkillSoda a lansat cel de-al patrulea album, intitulat Space Echo & Time.
Wooldozer: o formatie care tine sacru acel tip de rock heavy, ciudat, uneori imbibat cu alcool si afumat pana la obscur, uneori funky, alteori psihedelic, cu radacini in blues-ul si hard rock-ul anilor '70, impletit cu era vulgaris in care undeva, in imensitatea cerului din desertul californian, se nastea infamul stoner rock.
Groove Therapist: originara din Atena, Groove Therapist este o trupa de progressive rock formata din 5 membri. Dupa cinci ani de activitate, in 2015 a avut loc lansarea albumului de debut  prin Leaders Records; Mr. Funker, The Myth este un material conceptual care imbina secvente rock, metal, funk si elemente de progresiv.
September Code: veterani ai scenei prog. rock din Atena, grupati in 2002. September Code face parte din rooster-ul The Leaders Records, prin care grecii si-au lansat al treilea album, in 2016. Sound-ul trupei este o fuziune bine controlata intre prog rock si heavy metal.
Risin Sabotage: Specializati in imersarea ascultatorului intr-o paradigma pur psihedelica, sound-ul ucrainenilor este condimentat cu pasaje doom, in care basul si chitara se contopesc pentru a da nastere unui cocktail exploziv.  O trupa inca tanara, avand lansate pana in prezent doua materiale de studio, Risin Sabotage genereaza o atmosfera turbulenta ce incita ascultatorul sa evadeze din abisul sau interior frangand lantul autoconstrangerii.
Chaplins Dream: un proiect nou de prog, format in 2014 in Bulgaria. Trupa vine pentru prima data pe meleagurile noastre si se afla in pregatiri pentru lansarea albumului de debut. Chaplins Dream castiga fani in mod constant prin flerul pe care il etaleaza in a lega riff-uri dinamice cu pasaje melodice.
Trupe confirmate pana acum: Exivious (Olanda), Stoned Jesus (Ucraina), Nightstalker (Grecia), White Walls (Romania) si Lowbau (Austria).
Soundart Festival are loc in perioada 4-7 mai, in gradina de vara a clubului Quantic, si este un eveniment inovativ in spectrul cultural autohton, reunind sub egida sa un ciclu de activitati interculturale outdoor - concerte live, simpozioane, lansari de carte, workshop-uri si vernisaje - scopul nodal al proiectului fiind crearea unor punti de transfer intre diferitele forme ale expresiei artistice.
Bilete pot fi achizitionate pe si in reteaua fizica iabilet: Agentiile Perfect Tour, Magazinele IQBox  si pe cele 1800 de terminale self-service ZebraPay din Kaufland, Cora, Auchan, Carrefour si Mega Image din toata tara. Online puteti plati cu cardul, Paypal, pe factura la Vodafone, pe factura Orange, ramburs cu plata cash prin FanCurier oriunde in tara sau prin OP.

„When we are in tune with ourselves, we have everything”
Last Thursday, Bloodway and Valerinne stepped on Fabrica Club’s stage. The event was a rare occasion to see both bands performing, as they announced a short break to focus on their new albums.
                Before the concerts, a video projection named “Medium in Motion” was presented to the audience. It consisted in animated videos Costin Chioreanu made for countless impressive names in the underground music scene. I think almost every concert Bloodway ever had was accompanied by some other artsy act, a book release, a graphic exhibition and so on. I’m impressed and drawn by these kind side actions that enrich the audiences’ overall experience. This time, unfortunately, I arrived late and they began on time, so I only got to catch the final videos. Nevertheless, I’m sure most of you are familiar with Costin Chioreanu’s work if you are keeping a close eye on the scene, or maybe you have a t-shirt or two with his design.
                I made a short stop at the merch stand to add Valerinne’s the latest album to my collection, while they were preparing on stage. I’ve been listening to Valerinne ever since their first album, Kunstformen der Natur, in 2012, and I kept an eye on their activity in the year that followed. I don’t wish to sound overenthusiastic, but they are probably the best Post-Rock / Post-Metal band in Romania. Their Thursday evening concert was a bit too short for me – or maybe I lost track of time, emerging myself in their music. They’re masters at building a crescendo and creating a sense of anticipation, keeping the audience engaged. My personal sensation while I listen to them was that of space travel and listening to the music of the spheres. The last song was unknown, and after the concert I got the confirmation it’s a new one, an extra reason to look forward to their 4th album.

Next, Bloodway stepped in while the late-comers almost filled the club. The playlist was well balanced with songs from their two albums, and the audience seemed to be living the music, engaging in a short moshing during one of the last songs. I was pleased when they performed “Free Ends”, which is my personal favorite. Their music is so raw, visceral, and at the same time so complex and rich in its symbolism. At the end, Costin thanked the people who were present, and sometimes one voice in the public replied something… it was a conversation between friends, we could sense that the music and all the art these people are doing is for real. He ended my urging us to take care of the persons in our lives that are always near and dear, always by our side.

A couple of days passed, and the last words I heard that night are stuck with me. I’ll give them a twist and advise you to do the same for the underground bands that are always here with you. Always be there for them, go to their concerts whenever you have the opportunity, buy an album or a tee every once in a while. Giving and getting something back can be an unique and unexpected circle.

review by Ana Maria Codescu.

HTETHTHEMETH Sunt "Happy To Be S.A.D."!
Chiar daca noptile sunt inca lungi si este frig afara, baietii de la HTETHTHEMETH au o solutie buna pentru “asternia de iarna” (“S.A.D.” sau “Seasonal Affective Disorder”): doua concerte minunate in Ardeal, la Targu-Mures si la Cluj-Napoca.
Hteththemeth a avut multe succese in 2016: a castigat locul doi la Global Battle Of Bands in finala mondiala din Berlin, a castigat Wacken Metal Battle (Romania) si a cantat la festivalul “W.O.A.” din Wacken, Germania, a cantat la festivaluri mari in Romania, precum “Artmania”, “Rockstadt Extreme Fest”, “Rock In Ludus”, “Magura Wave” si “Rock’n’Iasi” sustinand alte peste 20 concerte in toate tara.
Pe langa aparitiile live, a scos pe piata un album, “Best Worst Case Scenario”, care a fost foarte bine primit de catre public si media rock/metal. Merita se fie mentionat si primul lor video-clip promotional, “You Are My Last Girlfriend”, realizat cu actori profesionisti, fapt care este un adevarat pas inainte pentru industria muzicala si video din Romania.
Hteththemeth va incalzi atmosfera impreuna cu o alta formatie din Brasov, FALSE REALITY, o trupa de melodic death metal cu influente de la progressive la funeral doom metal, care recent au lansat albumul de debut, “End Of Eternity”.
Hteththemeth si False Reality vor aparea live in premiera la Targu-Mures in cadrul unui eveniment organizat de “Comunitatea Rock Tg-Mures”.

Vineri 20 Ianuarie: “Jazz & Blues Club”, Targu-Mures: HTETHTHEMETH + FALSE REALITY + S.P.A.W.N.
Sambata 21 Ianuarie: “Hard Club”, Cluj-Napoca: HTETHTHEMETH + FALSE REALITY

Discografie Hteththemeth:
“Ziduri Mucegaite Cu Rosturi” (CD album, 1999)
“The Unhuman Split” (CD album, “split” cu Bi-Polar Disorder Project, 2013)
“Best Worst Case Scenario” (CD album / MP3, 2016)

Componenta Hteththemeth:
Lao Kreegan: “Unhuman vocals, incomprehensible lyrics”
Robert Kotoros: “Upset vocals and guitars, bi-polar mixing and mastering”
Luci: “Psychedelic guitar”
Koldr: “Celestial bass guitar”
Vlad: “Dreamy keyboards”
Codrez: “Battle of Souls drums”
Marc: “Session guitar and bass guitar”

Anul 2017 marchează debutul festivalului Rockstadt Grind Fest. Este cel de-al treilea festival ce va purta egida celebrului club din Brașov, dar va fi primul dedicat integral unei anumite subramuri ale muzicii metal. Va fi dedicat exclusiv genului goregrind și derivatelor sale.
Acesta va avea loc în Kruhnen Musik Halle, iar comparativ cu celelalte festivaluri, acesta va avea loc doar pe parcursul unei singure zile, mai exact pe data de 18 martie 2017. Până la ora actuală, au fost confirmate trupele Rotten Sound din Finlanda, Excrementory Grindfuckers din Germania și Clitgore din România.
Rotten Sound este o trupă finlandeză de grindcore. Înființată în anul 1993, trupa a lansat până la ora actuală 7 albume de studio, ultimul fiind „Abuse To Suffer” lansat în 2016. Piesele trupei are ca teme principale violența, problemele sociale sau politica. În cei 24 de ani de existenta a participat la cele mai importante festivaluri de profil din lume, precum Brutal Assault din Cehia, Summer Breeze din Germania, Los Angeles Murderfest, Obscene Extreme din Cehia sau Hellfest din Franța. Are până la ora actuală piese precum „Burden„, „Self„, „Hollow„, „Exit” sau „Salvation„.
 Excrementory Grindfuckers este una dintre cele mai controversate trupe de grindcore din lume. Înființată în 2001, s-a autoproclamat ca fiind o trupă de „fun metal”, datorită unor adăptari pe ritmuri de grindcore ale unor piese celebre. Dintre acestea, putem aminti „I like my grindcore” (referință la piesa Reel 2 Real – I like to move it), „Final Grindown” (referință la piesa Europe – Final Countdown) sau „Enter Madman 1 und Enter Bluesman 2” (referință la piesa Metallica – Enter Sandman). Totodată, are o carieră ce cuprinde 9 materiale discografice, ultimul fiind „Vorsprung durch Hektik” lansat în anul 2016. Are piese precum „Taschengeld„, „Nein, Kein Grindcore” sau „Lieblicher Grind„. Nu este la prima apariție la un eveniment organizat de clubul Rockstadt, în vara anului 2016 participând în cadrul festivalului Rockstadt Extreme Fest de la Râșnov.
Clitgore este una dintre cele mai apreciate trupe românești de goregrind/grindcore. Înființată în anul 2007, trupa a adunat în cei 10 ani de activitate concerte la marile festivaluri de profil din Europa, dintre care putem aminti Obscene Extreme din Cehia sau Flesh Party din Slovacia. Este o prezență constantă la Rockstadt Extreme Fest, participând în cadrul festivalului în anii 2015, respectiv 2016. Până la ora actuală are doar două materiale discografice: EP-ul „Stories of a Bloody Clit” lansat în 2009 și albumul „The Final Cuntdown” lansat in 2014. Are piese precum „Tales From the Clit„, „What Cums Around Goes Around” sau „The Final Cuntdown„.

Prețul biletelor urmează să fie anunțat. Pentru mai multe detalii legate de Rockstadt Grind Fest, intrați pe pagina oficială a evenimentului.

-Paul Pista

As another year came to it’s inevitable end, we, Din Intunerec  staff  decided to make our own top releases from 2016. From the cold icy lands of Sweden all the way to the sun blasted lands of Colombia, from Experimental Metal all the way to Depressive Black Metal and Doom Metal, from Progressive Metal all the way to Ambient Metal and Death Metal we proudly present you our top releases so far. Fair warning as we couldn’t decide how to rank the releases we will only list them and let you decide who it’s most suitable for the majestic number one. I would also like to add that we arranged the bands by alphabet just so it would be easier for you to read it ,so without any more talking let’s get straight to the subject:

Akral Necrosis-Underlight
Akral Necrosis is a band from Bucharest, Romania and this year they totally managed to amaze the Romanian public by releasing one of the best albums this year ,simply titled “Underlight”.Being that they are around the scene for a little while now(8 years) we can assure you that this can be seen on the production and overall quality of the album. We recommend you to check out their album and let us know what do you think!

I don’t think you guys need any more introduction to this particular band, having more than 15 years of activity ,going from black metal to post metal/shoegaze and counting thousands fans worldwide Alcest released on the 30th of September their new full-length titled “Kodama” through Prophecy Productions. Make sure to check out the album and surely you will be left with a special feeling about it.

Released on the 18th of November through Norma Evangelium Diaboli by the infamous French band known as Antaeus the album was received with warm by some fans and with hate by the others. While we can all agree that there is a big difference between this release and let’s say their previous one “ Blood Libels” it still stands as a strong album, just depending on who you ask.But we advise you to give it a shot,you will not regret it.

Ars Veneficium-The Reign Of The Infernal King
While this project itself hasn’t been around for a long time ,it’s members had been involved in a number of projects like Eratomania,Lost Inside,Plaag,Wounds that is clearly shown on this album.Released on the 26th of September through Immortal Frost Productions it was an instant hymn of Hell.With a perfect balance of both filth and purity and with a constant barrage of raw strong vocals we can say that this album is one of the best releases this year ,just give it a listen and tell us what you think. 

Behexen-The Poisonous Path
This Finnish satanic trio managed by shock us once again with their latest release, “The Poisonous Path” on the 27th of May through Debur Morti Productions . Some tracks of these album feels like some Inquisition tracks and the fans will surely observe that,but overall this is one hell of a piece.Be sure to check it out!

One of the biggest surprises of this year came from the German masters of Bethlehem , one of the most acclaimed albums of this year and one of the most recent ones, being launched on  the 2nd of December through Prophecy Productions it was an instant success. We strongly advise you to listen it and support them.

Blutrina-Looney Fuckin' Grind
Best newcomer from Romania regarding the Death/Grind Metal scene. These crazy guys will surely fill your demand for your daily grind. Make sure to check them out either on Bandcamp or through Loud Rage Music,the label which was used to launch this debut album.

What an awesome year for this swizz duo with the launch of “Hero” on the 25th of November through Iron Bonehead and a number of live shows( great show at Rites of The Black Mass Fest where we attended), where most fans praised to more clean polished sound than the previous demo and EP’s there is no question that this album is a must listen if you haven’t done it already!

One of the best Doom/Funeral Doom albums this year. Released on the 1st of November it was simply perfect for everyone who enjoys Doom/Fuenral Doom and for the new fans as well.A release depicting strong emotions, a must for Doom or Funeral Doom listeners.

A true masterpiece by the german master known as Georg Börner,a record that will surely bring you to another universe where pain and life and one and the same thing, where darkness conquers light, where melancholy reigns over all.Released on the 15th of July through Cold Dimensions it stands as a mark for any band involved in the Depressive Metal Scene.Just listen to it and remain numb, it’s as simple as that.

Dark Funeral- Where Shadows Forever Reign
Another craft from the Swedish masters of Black Metal,Dark Funeral came in full force with this new full length,  having a new vocalist, Heljarmadr , who is also responsible for projects such as Grá, Cursed 13 and Domgård, they really proved us once again that they really are The ineffable Kings of Swedish Black Metal.Being released on the 3rd of June through Century Media Records this album holds the place as one of the most well received albums of this year.

Furia-Księżyc Milczy Luty
Hailing from the pagan lands of Poland, Furia took by surprise the Black Metal scene with their latest release, a well balanced release between raw Black Metal and Avantgarde elements in the vein of Deathspell Omega.It was brought through Pagan Records on the 14th of November and it was instantly very well received by the public.

Grave Miasma-Endless Pilgrimage 
Previously known as Goat Molestör, standing as one of the best Black Metal acts from UK, Grave Miasma released upon us their new album on the 6th of May through Sepulchral Voice Records and what a blast it was indeed.Just give it a try you won’t regret it.

Harakiri for the sky - III: Trauma
This Austrian duo has been around for a while on the Post Rock/Black Metal scene and they amazed us by their newest release, taking the vibe created by bands such as Alcest or Amesoeurs and adding to it Black Metal riffs and tones this band surely deserves it’s place among projects such as Der Weg Einer Freiheit or Agrypnie.Released by Art of Propaganda on the 22th of July.

Hteththemeth – Best Worst Case Scenario
Another band from our country to feature on this top is none other than the unhuman Avant-Garde metallers of Hteththemeth,oone of the best metal acts from Romania.Best Worst Case Scenario was launched on the 1st of April and it became an instant must listen.Check them out!

Inquisition-Bloodshed Across the Empyrean Altar Beyond the Celestial Zenith
Even if very little of the music here is surprising to any fan, it's probably the most encompassing experience I've yet heard from this band. Of course, most debates around this album will resort to the love-or-hate traits they've had from the start. Detractors be damned in hellfire: Dagon's voice sounds even more foreboding now than ever, and the pair have drawn from an ever-deeper depth of atmosphere.

Katatonia- The Fall of Hearts
This band clearly needs no introduction… After more than 25 years of full activity and after the extraordinary success with Dead End Kings in 2012, they released a new awesome album called "The Fall of Hearts". The tenth studio album was released on May 20, 2016.

Netherbird- The grander voyage
Released on the 28th of October through Black Lodge Records, you will be instantly amazed both by the art of this album and it’s melodic riffs will surely take you on a dreaming journey.

Neurosis – Fires Within Fires
While it didn’t seem outstanding to me, it’s a good listen for the fans of Neurosis.

Oathbreaker – Rheia
Oathbreaker is one of the most interesting bands reunited under Amenra’s Church of Ra collective. Unlike the previous 2 albums, the vocalist Caro Tanghe makes more use of clean vocals, not just growls. Their music is a highly innovative mixture of black metal with elements of hardcore, crust punk, post metal to name a few.

October Tide-Winged Waltz
With more than 22 years of activity, October Tide is one of the best melodic doom metal bands. After the extraordinary success with “Tunnel of no light” in 2013, 3 years later “Winged Waltz” was again in top. 

Oranssi Pazuzu – Värähtelijä
A surreal fusion of black metal and psychedelia.

Skuggsjá - Skuggsjá: A Piece for Mind & Mirror
The band is a collaboration between Enslaved and Wardruna, started in 2014 with the aim to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Norvegian constitution. The band’s name translates as “mirror” in Old Norse, and their release represents a perfect blend between traditional Norse instruments and the brutal riffs and drumming, Enslaved style.

Subrosa – For This We Fought the Battle of Ages
Inspired by the dystopic novel We, by Yevgeny Zamyatin. It’s a solid doom/sludge album, with haunting female vocal and violin passages.

Thenighttimeproject- Thenighttimeproject
A pleasantly nostalgic road for those more familiar with his work in Katatonia, Fredrik Norrman together with Tobias Netzell of In Mourning fame along with Nicklas Hjertton, formerly of Mandylon, formed this awesome band. With plenty of melancholic notes, this album is a masterpiece. 

Trees of Eternity- Hour of Nightingale
This international project has been born in 2009 and featuring members from bands such as October Tide,Wintersun,Swallow the Sun, and their latest release is something truly amazing on the Ambient/Doom Metal scene. 

Terra Tenebrosa – The Reverses
Released through Debemur Morti Productions on the 17th of June it quickly became an instant hookup for any Avant-Garde Metal fan.

UADA- Devoid of Light
Released on the 8th of April through Eisenwald Tonschmiede it has received worldwide acclamations from all Black Metal fans around the world. One of the best releases coming from the USA.

These are not just random letters, but the initials of each 12 signs from the zodiac, from Aries to Pisces. It’s an album born under the sign of live improvisation the band performs, including rearrangements of some songs form Messe I.X-VII-X or Perdition City.

Urfaust – Empty Space Meditation
An album that owes his name, an introspective mix of dark ambient and metal that invites the listener to reflection. A journey within.

Urgehal – Aeons in Sodom
Having as guest vocals emblems such as Nattefrost, Hoest, Nocturno Culto and Niklas Kvarforth among many others it stands as one of the best releases coming from the ice cold lands of Norway.

Void Meditation Cult-Utter the Tongue of the Dead
Merciless attack of pure raw lo-fi black metal from the USA.Be advised this record isn’t suitable for anyone but it stands as one of the best releases on this side of Black Metal.A truly misanthropic masterpiece for the diehard metal fan.

Wardruna - Runaljod – Ragnarök
Released in October 2016 through By Norse Music, closes the trilogy Runaljod, inspired by the 24 ancient runes of the Elder Futhark. The album is an exquisite journey into the Norse mythology , named after the battle that left on two survivors to repopulate the world.

Worm Ouroboros – What Graceless Dawn
Dark, introspective ambient / doom. On a personal note, I first listened to it around Christmas. Delicate and fragile whispers of Lorraine Rath (ex Amber Asylum) and Jessica Way (Barren Harvest), mixed with Aesop Dekker’s (ex Agalloch) drumming. A haunting masterpiece.

After numerous name changes, from Gone Postal to Shrine and finally to it’s current name, Zhrine, the Icelandic Black/Death metallers of Zhrine successfully delivered quite a big surprise with their latest album. Unortheta is an very well produced album conveying a wide array of emotions and soundscapes, we strongly recommend to try it out.

Saturday evening, on the 7th of January, I attended the European Pilgrimage Tour with Batushka and Arkona. Both bands are from Poland and the concert has been organised by Live Nation Promotions in Cluj-Napoca Romania. The band's tour has more than 10 dates, and before Cluj they performed in the town of Kosice, Slovakia. The concert was sold out after having a very good presale. In the begining I want to say a few words about the venue. The organizers decided to hold the concert in The Shelter club. In my oppinion, this venue is much too small for such an event when you have more than 300 people attenting at the show. Sadly, the club was not the best solution to organize such a concert. This was the great minus of the event; there were too many people for the small place that the club can offer. The club does not have the perfect angle for the stage. For example, the onlooker who would stand on the right side of the stage, in front of the bar would not have the perfect view of what was happening on the stage.    
The event had open doors at 19:30 and after one hour the first band started to play.

Hailing from Poland, ARKONA opened the concert with a 50 minutes true pagan black metal set list. The band played songs from the new album entitled "Lunaris" released last year in November. The show was very well organised, Arkona had a good sound with powerful songs preaching some old school anti-christian black metal. Arkona prefers to play their songs in Polish being able to express better their pagan and anti-christian messages. The show was composed mainly of tracks from "Lunaris" and "Chaos.Ice.Fire" albums but the band also played some old stuff. Having 4 people on stage and over 20 years of experience, Arkona the "last European heathen Stronghold" had a very powerful show. I have seen this band before and I knew exactly what kind of show they will perform. Pure pagan black metal, no compromises, just playing the old school sound with a very low contact with the audience.
Let’s move to the last band of the evening, the ortodox black metal group BATUSHKA.
Batushka played last year for the first time in Romania at the Dark Boombastic Festival in Alba Iulia. Using all eastern ortodox arsenal, Batushka had on stage candels, frankincense and holy water. The band came out of nowhere with their superb quality album intuitively called Litourgiya. It is very clear to me that behind the masks of the band members there are well known musicians from some cult band, or why not, maybe from more bands. The sound of the show was exactly as on the album, with clear quality guitar riffing and powerful clean and harsh vocals. 

The band had also on stage a small chorus composed of 3 persons. They played their complet album without moving much on stage, only the main singer was doing the actions of the priest blessing from time to time the audience. The complete show was exactly like the Christian ortodox litanies with very much frankincense so that the audience could go blessed back home. The band studied very much the Russian ortodoxism, having very detailed concepts of image, using the chirilic alphabet, having the faceless Virgin Mary Icon on the altar and using very detailed symbols on every object and monkish clothing. Even though Batushka released only one album they are at the moment very well received in the metal scene and I have the assurance that there’s more to come from the band in the future.
The event was „sadly” one typical black metal show, short but very intense. Hope you enjoyed my short description of the event....

review by Bogdan Ciuca

Koneskin is set to record the new album from March 5th-7th at Manifatture Musicali Recording Studios, with famed engineer Claudio Cattero. We chose this studio because of its relaxed atmosphere (it's situated in the middle of the Alps) and the pristine quality of the drum sounds. The album, yet untitled, will contained 6 songs. Some of the titles are "The Dark Garden", "Soulan", "They Say". On a curious note and to give a sense of conceptual continuity, the track "Liberty Place" will be part of this album and it was not featured on the previous debut EP, which beared the same name.
We are looking at a late May/early June release date and we are already working on live gigs. I will personally introduce and play a new song to the Romanian audience during my upcoming performance at the next DrumStage Kick The Spring Drum Festival to be held in Bucharest on March 18th.”

Sergio Ponti