Koneskin is set to record the new album
from March 5th-7th at Manifatture Musicali Recording Studios, with famed
engineer Claudio Cattero. We chose this studio because of its relaxed
atmosphere (it's situated in the middle of the Alps) and the pristine quality
of the drum sounds. The album, yet untitled, will contained 6 songs. Some of
the titles are "The Dark Garden", "Soulan", "They
Say". On a curious note and to give a sense of conceptual continuity, the
track "Liberty Place" will be part of this album and it was not
featured on the previous debut EP, which beared the same name.
We are looking
at a late May/early June release date and we are already working on live gigs.
I will personally introduce and play a new song to the Romanian audience during
my upcoming performance at the next DrumStage Kick The Spring Drum Festival to
be held in Bucharest on March 18th.”
Sergio Ponti