
Archive for February 2017

Sombre Martyrium over Europe Tour arrived last Tuesday in Quantic Club, Bucharest. Rotheads and Relics of Humanity were to open the evening for Death Metal Greek band Dead Congregation.  I arrived in time at the venue and that proved to be a good idea, because the concert started almost in time. The short delay from the announced hour proved to be a good opportunity to catch up with the people who were already there.
Even though Quantic Club is quite spacy and the audience was not big, I didn’t feel we were few. Quite the contrary, the feeling was of an intimate gathering of old time friends. Personally, I feel grateful that so many events are happening since this club started, and mostly to the organizers, Live Nation Promotions. There are quite a number of announcements for the future that caught my eye, so I recommend you to do the same – you might discover some interesting bands if you’re showing up at their events!
Back to the concert, Rotheads started the night, almost in time, as I previously mentioned. I remember I quite like their short presentation I stumbled upon on the internet, “Old School Death Metal from the crypts”. They’re a young band, born in 2014 in Bucharest, with just a Demo CD released last year I suggest you to look for. The material is good, and their performance on Tuesday was ok, they lack experience at the moment but they’re to keep an eye to. The public was a bit shy as well.
Next, Relicts of Humanity, a Brutal Death Metal act from Belarus. They had a very good presence on stage, especially the vocalist, and they surely know how to get the public involved. Pretty soon, in front of the stage everybody was head banging and enjoying those extreme beats. Overall, it was a good show.

Dead Congregation was the most expected act of the evening and I’m sure they impressed the public. It was their second visit in Bucharest, after being part of the line-up of Old Greave Fest the 4th edition, in 2015. The Greeks have a solid reputation in the Death Metal Scene, and their performance swiped us off our feet. Vocalist/guitarist growl strongly summoned the ancient spirits, seconded by hellish riffs and blasts from VV’s drums.  They left, leaving us wanting for more.

Review & pics by Ana Maria Codescu.

Hello! And thanks for accepting my request. Can you tell us a little bit about your band for the readers which are not familiar with your music?

Perversifier : Merrimack is a Black Metal which has been existing since 1994. You can guess how many thousands of times I’ve been asked this question. I think that nowadays, every body can find this information easily by making a simple internet research. 

In April you will come to Romania, I think it is for the first time (if I am not wrong). What expectations do you have?

P. : It’s not the first time we’re going to Romania. We have played in Timisoara in 2003 with Krieg, Negura Bunget, and Vokodlok. It’s a great memory, the room was totally packed, I think there were at least 400 people. On the best dates of this small east-european tour. This is why we wanted to return to Romania, even though 14 years later, things must have been changed quite a lot. I remember, when walking the streets of Timisoara back then, everybody was stopping us in the street, asking if we were bands playing a gig, people were not used to see a herd of 20 metalheads walking the street. It looked like they almost never saw foreign bands. 

What is the main thing behind Merrimack, both in inspiration and desire to make music?
P. : Merrimack is the medium to express our ideological, philosophical, metaphysical and religious views. It’s the outlet of the frustration of this existence, living among brainwashed people, and the channel to our real nature expression. Inspiration comes from strictly everything, everywhere. Our daily life, our readings, our interactions with this world. 

I will ask you a question that I ask many other band members as well..what are you listening to nowadays and what is your opinion towards modern black metal?

P. : To be honest, I don’t listen that much to modern Black Metal. Every year, there are few releases here and there that are worth a listen, but most of was is proposed is boring, useless, and futile. I listen to many different kings of music, which happen to be sometimes much darker than Black Metal. I enjoy listening to some rock n’roll (Guns N’Roses, Queens of the Stone Age, Led Zeppelin, etc…), to Depeche Mode, to Erik Satie, to Pink Floyd, to french singers, etc… All others members also listen to a wide variety of music.

Are you planning to record a new album now that you signed with Season of Mist?

P. : We have just finished recording the new album. The master has been sent to the label, and it will be released in June. I can’t reveal too much details right now. All I can say, is that we tried to make an album closer to the sources of the 90es Black Metal. Less complex structures, epic riffs, with a cold sound with a soul. It still sounds a lot like Merrimack, but it’s probably easier to digest than the previous release. It contains 7 tracks for a totally time of 43 minutes.

Big thanks for your time and for the interview and I wish you many years of quality music from now on. Anything to add in the end for your Romanian fans?

Thanks for the interview, and see you in Cluj Napoca in April.

Interview by Miruna Vitriol

Event page:

Pe 8 Februarie, la Hard Club Cluj Napoca, NOMAD Events aduce in fata publicului legendara formatie de Death Metal din SUA, Master.
Master au o experienta de peste de 30 de ani, si albume care au inspirat generatii intregi, fiind recunoscuti pentru muzica cu nerv ce poarta influente Motorhead, Venom si Slayer. Ultimul album de studio, “An Epiphany of Hate”, a fost lansat anul trecut.

In deschidere vor canta Necrovile (Death Metal, Romania) si Haniwa (Progressive Metal, Italia).


O trupa foarte bine cunoscuta in lumea metalului din Cluj, activand pe scena Death Metal din 2003, portofoliul lor include peste 100 de concerte, 5 turnee in Europa, si festivaluri mari (Obscene Extreme, Thrash 'till Death, etc).  Au impartit scena cu nume mari, cum ar fi: Suffocation (USA), Nile (USA), Napalm Death (UK), Vader (Pol), Lividity (USA), Sepultura (Bra), Malevolent Creation (USA), Obscura (Ger), Grave (Swe), Master (USA), Dark Funeral (Swe), Belphegor (Aus).


Trio-ul italian Haniwa exploreaza genuri muzicale variate, de la Progressive Metal la Grunge, avand o experienta scenica ce depaseste 20 de ani. Muzica trupei este legata bine, cu sunete clare ce imbina diversele influente ale membrilor ei, iar rezultatul final se traduce in metal modern cu arome fine vintage.

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